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Contacts and Links

Below I have posted a list of contacts and links that parents and professionals may find useful when navigating their way through the world of communication disorders . I have provided a brief description of the service or information available at each source. This list is not exhaustive and I will be adding resources regularly.  Connect with SpeechAbility on Facebook to receive updates!


I am not employed by nor do I receive financial reimbursement from any of the contacts provided.  Parents and professionals are ask to use their own discretion when using this resource page.

Autism Ontario (formerly Autism Society Ontario) provides information for parents and clients livingwith autism. There are local chapters throughout the Province of Ontario that allow members to connect with other individuals and families and resources in the community.

This site provides definitions of speech-language disorders and a chart of speech language developmental milestones from birth to 5 years.  It also provides contact information for publically funded speech-language programs across Ontario.

Community Resources

ErinOak Kids is publically funded Children's Treatment Centre providing support and therapy for a wide range of disabilities including autism, communication difficulties and hearing difficulties.  They service children from Halton, Peel and Dufferin as well as offering some services in Wellington and Waterloo areas.

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