There are many resources available on line and in the community. Find links below of some of my favourites. These will be updated regularly so please check back here for new additons!

A picture is worth a thousand words. In my opinion a video is worth a million! Check out some of my favourite webinars and video.

An ever-growing list of community resources and professionals in the Halton and Peel Regions.

Links to free speech and language activities that can be done at home, school or preschool .

Attendance at IEP meetings $100.00 per hour
Parent Consultations $135.00 per hour
Teacher consultations or other professionals, in person by phone or email $135.00 per hour

Session Cancellation Policy
24 hour notice of session cancellation session is required
If an appointment is missed without notice the client will be billed 50% of the appointment fee.
Cancellations that occur because of inclement weather or emergencies will not be billed.
Timely cancellations allow us to help other families that may be waiting for an assessment or therapy session.